
The Decline of Marvel Movies' Charm After Endgame

Marvel Studios took the world by storm with their groundbreaking cinematic universe, captivating audiences with a string of highly successful superhero films. However, after the epic culmination of the Infinity Saga with "Avengers: Endgame," some fans and critics argue that Marvel movies have lost their charm. Though  many people feel that Marvel movies were better for many reasons,  this article explores the factors contributing to this decline and examines why the franchise's magic appears to have diminished.  The Loss of Stakes and Impact "Avengers: Endgame" marked the culmination of a decade-long narrative, delivering a satisfying conclusion to many storylines. However, the film's monumental nature came at a cost. The subsequent movies struggled to replicate the same level of stakes and emotional impact. The events following "Endgame" often felt inconsequential, lacking the sense of urgency and consequence that previously drove the Marvel Cine
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